My dream post graduate studies

Hello everybody! Tonight I'm going to tell you about some careers I want to do after I finish sociology

I think it is very important to have more degrees because in this society the professional specialization is increasingly important. The thing that I know it is that I want to go outside of Chile and know other countries, but I will come back here.

My dream is study some subject related to the history of Latin America with sociological analysis, for thath I would love to go to Mexico and study in the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). Others areas of interest would be related to political science or philosophy, for that, my idea it is to go to countries like United States or some ones in Europe, like Germany or England. I would like to do a PhD or (and) a magister. Other subject of my interest is to learn about oriental sociology.


  1. What a coincidence I want to study in Mexico too! Maybe we meet there some day. Also Im really intrigued about oriental sociology, do you have some articles that you recomend?

  2. So specific, with that determination I believe that you could really make your dreams happened. I agree with you that it is very important to have more degrees

  3. I hope that your goals become true in the future. Everything you are planning to do with passion and determination is possible!!

  4. Hello Manuel. I have also thought about UNAM. It is an excellent college for the social sciences and Mexico is an amazing country. I hope you can soon make that idea come true. I was impressed by your interest in oriental sociology and think it´s great if you could learn more about that. Have you identified a course or program that relates to the matter?

  5. Interesting! I would also like to study in Europe. Why did you choose the University of Mexico? I hope you have the opportunity to fulfill your dreams!

  6. I like how you have thought about your future. I think it is the first time that I read that someone is interested in oriental sociology, it catches my attention.

  7. How nice that you want to continue complementing your studies with latinamerican history !

  8. it's a very interesting post! im very sure that you will aproach everything that you want reggards!

  9. We have quite a travel enthusiast here don't we? And with the mindset of coming back home never the less! there's a lot of people who just want to escape from latam and never come back, but you seem to really have interest in your home continent, i hope you make it bro!


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