
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021

My dream post graduate studies

Hello everybody! Tonight I'm going to tell you about some careers I want to do after I finish sociology I think it is very important to have more degrees because in this society the professional specialization is increasingly important. The thing that I know it is that I want to go outside of Chile and know other countries, but I will come back here. My dream is study some subject related to the history of Latin America with sociological analysis, for thath I would love to go to Mexico and study in the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). Others areas of interest would be related to political science or philosophy, for that, my idea it is to go to countries like United States or some ones in Europe, like Germany or England. I would like to do a PhD or (and) a magister. Other subject of my interest is to learn about oriental sociology.

An artist that I admire: Tupac Shakur

     I have always liked all the things Hip Hop has.  One of them is Rap, and in Rap there is one of my favorite rappers, he is also considered the best rapper in all times, and his name is Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996), his name honor Tupac Amaru II, who was a leader of the Inca rebellion against the spanish empire.      As a black men in the second half of the twenty century, Tupac performed in different underground places around USA, especially in his home town New York City. He has four studio albums, and another that was published after his death.      I love Tupac because his music and lyrics are very powerful, some people things the rap in the times of Shakur was based only in sex, drugs and money, and altough he did talk about it, he fought through his music against racism, poverty and abandonment of the US government with minorities.  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJaQqb1_vqOS2zAVRvIqdTT4Qe_COIT0P