Blog 1: Personal Information

Hello people!

My name is Manuel Celedón Bravo, I was born and raised in Santiago. My family is conform by my two parents, my older sister Valentina, my middle brother Tomás and I. Now I live with my mom and my two dogs, Flo and Rollo, my dad comes and go beacause he is currently working at Viña del Mar. 

I graduated from San Ignacio and now I am in my second year studing sociology at Universidad de Chile. The sad thing is that until this day I have never being in Juan Gomez Milla campus.
I am a scout, and one of the things that I most love is ride my bike, in the actual context I use the sports space established by the government to ride my bicycle, I even have gone out with friends from the university


  1. Hi Manuel! Your pets are really beautiful, how old are they?

  2. Hello my friend manu!! i also like riding bikes, maybe in the future we can go outside and have fun, regards!!

  3. Hello Manuel, I live close to a school called San Ignacio, where was your San Ignacio school? Could it be the same from where I live?

  4. Flo and Rolo are so cute!!!!, I love them. How was your experience in scout?. And we will go to Juan Gomez Millas eventualy and it wanna be so cool.

  5. Hi! i can´t believe that you wake up so early to do sports! i envy you really. Keep it up! regards!!

  6. Hello Manuel! So you are scout! That's so cool! what's is the thing you like the most of that?

  7. Hi Manuel, lovely picture of your dogs!! are they friendly or agressive? i would love to meet them

  8. Hi! You will not believe me.. I am scout too! What do you like the most about summer camps?

  9. i feel you bro, i´ve never been in the campus neither.


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